酪蛋白磷酸肽Casein phosphopeptides

发布日期:2015-12-25 来源:未知

酪蛋白磷酸肽(Caseinphosphopeptides,简称 CPPs)是以牛乳酪蛋白为原料,经酶水解、分离纯化而得到的含有成簇磷酸丝氨酸的多肽,可用于各种营养、保健食品中,能有效促进人体对钙、铁、锌等二价矿物营养素的吸收和利用,具有促进钙质吸收、调节免疫等多重生理功能。
Casein protein phosphate peptide (Caseinphosphopeptides, referred to CPPs) is polypeptide containing clustered phosphoric acid serine made from bovine casein by hydrolysis, separation and purification of the enzyme, which can be used in various nutritions and health foods so as to effectively promote the absorption and utilization of diatomic mineral nutrients (like calcium, iron, zinc etc.) in human body, having multiple physiological functions like promoting calcium absorption, regulating immune, and so on.
产品功能: Product Functions:
l  促进钙质吸收  To promote the absorption of calcium
CPPs can effectively prevent the formation of calcium phosphate precipitation in neutral or alkaline environment of the small intestine, thus facilitating calcium absorption.
●促进牙齿、骨骼中钙的沉积 To promote the deposition of Calcium in the teeth and bones
CPPs can bind with calcium and phosphorus in solution to form complexus to attch to the decayed tooth which can maintain a high level of calcium ion concentration, make the calcium ions into the decayed area, promote the  remineralization of early caries, thereby effectively prevent erosion of tooth erosion bacteria to reach anticaries effects.
l  调节免疫 To Regulate the immune
CPPs stimulates b-cell proliferation and differentiation into IgA-producing cells by the production of interleukin-5 and Interleukin-6, and then to adjust the animal's immune function by adjusting the levels of lymphocyte factor.
l  调节肠道功能:To regulate the intestinal function
Fast absorption, high utilization rate, almost no excretion, are used by the body,without consuming energy, able toreduce the burden of the digestive tract, conducive to the infirm.
产品应用:Product application
●强化钙、铁、锌的营养保健品、奶制品(果奶、学生配方奶、高锌铁钙低脂奶等);Nutrition and health products fortified with Calcium, Iron and Zinc; Dairy products (fruit milk, student formula milk, low-fat milk with high Zinc, Iron and Calcium;
l  儿童营养食品:如婴儿营养米粉、高钙饼干等;Child nutritious food: eg, infant nutritional cereal, high Calcium biscuits etc.;
l  豆制品:如高锌铁钙豆奶粉、营养麦片、口香糖等;Bean products: eg, soybean milk powder with high level of Zinc, Iron and Calcium, nutritious oatmeal, chewing gum etc.;
l  防龋固齿的牙膏,啤酒、汽酒、含气饮料等(可使泡沫细腻、持久,并促进其中的矿物质吸收)。Cavity protection toothpaste, beer, sparkling wine, sparkling drinks etc. (it makes foam delicate and lasting, and promote the absorption of minerals.)

项    目 指    标
蛋白质(以干基计)/(%)    ≥ 75.0
CPP                    ≥                                                      10.0
水分/(%)               ≤ 7.0
灰分/(%)               ≤ 20.0
铅(以Pb计)/(mg/kg)   ≤ 2
菌落总数/(CFU/g)        ≤ 3000
大肠菌群/(MPN/100g)     ≤ 30
霉菌和酵母/(CFU/g)      ≤ 50
致病菌(沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌) 不得检出/25g
Item Index
Protein (dry basis w /%)   ≥ 75.0
CPP                    ≥                                                      10.0
Water/(%)               ≤ 7.0
Ash/(%)               ≤ 20.0
Lead (Pb) / (mg/kg)   ≤ 2
Total aerobic plate count / (CFU/g)         ≤ 3000
Coliform group / (MPN/100g)        ≤ 30
Molds and yeasts / (CFU/g)      ≤ 50
Pathogen (Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella) Not detected /25g